
Colleen's Avocados


Colleen's Avocados


Our Location

We are fortunate enough to be set just below the lovely green hills of the Los Padres National Forest. Nearly each day in Goleta is sunny and seventy making our little home farm an idyllic location to produce some of the world's most amazing avocados.


Our Grove

Every avocado we deliver starts on one of our beloved trees here at our four acre family avocado grove. 


Our Grove

Every avocado we deliver starts on one of our beloved trees here at our four acre family avocado grove. 


We produce all-natural, pesticide, herbicide, and synthetic fertilizer free avocados grown sustainably at our family owned and operated avocado grove. What makes our avocados so special that people from all over the country are ordering them? Well let's start with what makes avocados so amazing in the first place! 

Nutrition:  Avocados are brimming with all the healthy fats that make for a better you. They contain oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid. Studies have shown that this fat, may have beneficial effects on the genes related to cancer. Avocados contain the alphabet of vitamins. Here are just a few: Vitamin K, B12, B6, B5, C, and E!  

More Nutrition: Did we mention fiber? Even though our Hass avocados are guaranteed the most delicious buttery avo experience you've every had, these things are packed with beneficial dietary fiber. Skip the Wheaties and grab an avocado! 

Taste:  The care that goes into raising each one of our avocados results in that sun-kissed California taste that you just can not get anywhere else! The buttery texture, the vibrant color, a taste that is so pure and complex that a sprinkle of salt is all you need to have an amazing snack. Once you try and fall in love with the taste of our avocados, the store bought variety just won't do. 


The Family

The Family



Colleen has turned her love for avocados into a thriving dream, living and working on the four acre Goleta property that produces some of the best avocados in the world. Living back East inspired her to grow avocados saying, "I wanted to build this business because I know how much I wanted a yummy avo in the cold Northeast winters." 



Earl initially wanted to buy a little truck for projects around the house, but realized it wouldn't make much sense unless he had a farm to use it on. Working hard day and night while raising his three boys with Colleen, they were finally able to buy the little grove they've always wanted. And as Earl says, "and now I have the truck too!!" 



Murphy is the farm golden retriever who spends his days keeping the grove safe and squirrel free. He loves to eat the avocados that fall to the ground, often not waiting for them to ripen. This has become a minor problem since Murphy has now been packing on the pounds for sometime with no end in site. We're not sure if he even can run after squirrels now...